New functionality in MediSign: Activity Log

The “Activity Log” is a new feature added to MediSign. You can now know when and by whom every action concerning your Practice has been made.

Actions recorded (indicative):

  • add new patient
  • patient deletion
  • edit patient demographics
  • insert, edit and delete a patient Case
  • insert, edit and delete a patient Encounter
  • edit patient history data

It is available on each overview page with an elegant link (“Activity Log”). By clicking on this link, all available records are displayed. In the same way (by clicking again) you can hide the relevant information.


MediSign Activity Log example

Indicative pages

Activity logging is usually found on overview (not data entry) pages. Examples include:

  • Patient overview
  • View patient demographics
  • View Case
  • View Encounter
  • Summary of Cases and Encounters
  • Patient History Notes

Activity Log Archive

All recorded actions are available in a versatile archive available from:

Menu ⟶ Patients ⟶ Practice management ⟶ Activity log

MediSign Activity Log Archive

Advanced criteria – Excel export

Activity Log Archive provides search capabilities by criteria:

  • description
  • patient
  • date of recording (from-to)
  • action type

Click on the “Criteria” link, build your query, and then press “Apply criteria”.

You can also export the selected records to Excel.

MediSign Activity Log Archive - Criteria

Among the multitude of queries you can submit, a very interesting question that can be answered by the Activity Log Archive is: “when a patient was deleted and by whom”.

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